Posted inFeature

Foundation for Climate Restoration: Equity as the Fourth Principle to Climate Restoration

Background “It is important that the consideration of carbon removal be pushed beyond technical consideration of ’how much carbon at what cost’ and beyond the boundaries erected by too-narrow readings of climate modeling results towards much deeper examination of the social, environmental, political, and other implications.”[1] ~ Simon Nicholson Climate change is a universal problem […]

Posted inPerspectives

Using Constitutional Litigation to Address the Climate Crisis

In 2015, 21 American youth filed the internationally-renown case Juliana v. United States, claiming that affirmative acts of the federal government violate their constitutional rights and the rights of future generations. Juliana v. United States is science-based, seeking to halt state-created danger and other constitutional harms and to enforce legal rights to a climate system capable of sustaining life. The response of the Biden-Harris Administration and the Supreme Court to Juliana will signal to the world whether the US federal government is serious about grounding long-term solutions to the climate crisis in our Constitution.

Posted inCityCrafting Solutions Blog

The Historic March of Capitalism and Why CityCraft is Committed to Regenerative Communities

Over the last decade, the degree of income and wealth disparity in the United States has become increasingly evident as the aggregate wealth created through our economy concentrates in a smaller portion of the population, while the majority of our  country functions in a system that constrains personal financial growth and independence. The result has […]

Posted inCityCrafting Solutions Blog

How Can We Move to a Regenerative Finance System? Start with Education.

Earlier this month, an article appeared in Los Angeles Magazine discussing the elite private middle and high schools in West Los Angeles that were forced to confront racial inequity and bias. This discussion and subsequent debate began as one of the schools participated in a public expression of support in response to national events leading […]

Posted inCityCrafting Solutions Blog


A process that is regenerative increases prosperity and health for humans and the natural environment through holistic thinking and meaningful community participation, by all members of the community.  This broad approach to planning and decision-making seeks to discover what we hold in common, and how all can benefit by common undertakings.  Early humans regarded nature […]